Even much water cannot put out the flame of love;
floods cannot drown love.
If a man offered everything in his house for love,
people would totally reject it.
Song of Solomon 8:7
In this statement from the Song of Solomon he sums up the result of a heart that has succomed to love. In its entirety its presence cannot be washed away or there can never be enough of it. To those who cannot identify with it holds no value. Today let’s encounter the love that is present in our hearts and use it as the substance to present a life which is glorious to God. To a world or heart without it is dead. Let it become the substance that characterizes your life.
Men as we move through this day let our hearts minister to those who are dear to us. For the power of God in the earth rests in the love that rests in our hearts. The power of our authority begins with it. We can never over emphasize it or give enough of it. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it (Ephesians 5:25) Fathers love your children for the love we have in our hearts toward them sets them up and allows them to overcome the greatest of obstacles. Unless we plant that seed our lives and there’s will be the result of the cursed. (Malachi 4:6)
Most of all have love for your fellow man. For the image which encounters our substance and soul was found in the love of God. How can we say we love God if we cannot love our own brother? Choose it today and everyday in order to translate life into living. Without it we can never experience eternal life. Amen.
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