The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will
I hope in him ……………………… Lamentations 3:24
Good Morning. On this morning 1/17/2015 God spirit is
present and available to me for the Lord is my portion. I have a hope in Him.
The scripture in Lamentations the third chapter alludes to the fact that the
hope of us as followers and disciples of Christ rest on the hope of Him and His
return .Until the time of the return of our Christ we are blessed to have the Holy
Spirit available to guide us through until his return. This is our portion for
us who believe on God’s greatest gift, the Lord Jesus Christ.
One of the greatest challenges as a result of my walk with God,
Christ and the Holy Spirit centers on my expectations of hope. Without the hope
of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit my expectations would be centered on fear
and death. In Deuteronomy 30:19 it gives us a clear distinction on how God has
set forth each day of our lives. It reads “I call heaven and earth to record
this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and
cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live:
Each day that I live now and until eternity my hope will rest
on the word of God in the hope of my eternal king returning to his throne
forever and ever. To continue keeping my eyes on the prize offered to me upon
my confession of the Lord Jesus and his resurrection from the grave. My
dependence upon the Holy Spirit of God to continue to lead and guide me to all
truths that center on my purpose for God and not my pleasure of this world.
This is not a simple or easy task. It takes daily meditation for me in order
for me to see just the tip of what God has in store for my life. Not only my life
but the life of my son Emmanuel James Crudup.
So today my hope is centered on Jesus Christ. Without him
there is no hope for me or my seed. Today I will bless the Lord with all of my
soul. In return my hope in Him will result in His glory in every area of my
life. Amen
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that
abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me
ye can do nothing……………………………………………………………John 15:5