Fine Art America

Thursday, March 4, 2021


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God                                                                                   John 1:1

Good Morning! May grace find all of you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus the Christ. I begin with these words this morning because in my heart I believe that as i speak them they become alive to everyone who reads this. In the book of Genesis beginning in the first chapter there is an image on how the word is so important to the execution of God's power in our lives. Check it out look at Genesis 1:3And God said,let there be light Genesis 1:6 And God said Genesis 1:9 And God said,Genesis 1:11.And God said. Notice how in all of those scriptures what God said was created. Again I say what God said came to pass.  The apostle John informs us in John Chapter 1 beginning in verse 1 that the word came first it was with God and it is God.
Today I find that many of my brothers and sisters in the body of Christ dismiss the power of the word. I remember a time when my father and I would be discussing a issue or challenge he would always say to me I wish I was as versed in scripture like you are. My reply to him would always be you are it is built inside of you. The reason I quote it because without it there is no power.  Take for instance Hebrews 11:1 It begins like this; Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Think about the words that create this statement. Faith is the word we speak out of our mouths that brings to life the thing we are hoping for in which we have no evidence. This the power of words and according to what we beleive these words can either empower us or fail us. These words out of James chapter 3 beginning in verse 5 provides us with an image of how powerful the tongue is although it is one of the smaller member of our body it can set on fire and speak to whatever course we set out on rather for the good or evil. 
The word of God presents us with the power to gain victory over whatever the enemy challenges us with. If the word that comes from your mouth is associated with fear then that fear will manifest itself. If it is associated with faith whatever you are believing it shall come to pass (Mark 11:23)
It is important to study the word of God and apply it in every area of your life For Jesus is the word(John 1:14) and from my life experiences I need Him in every area of my life. There is nothing more powerful than His word when he becomes our righteousness concerning our truths.(Matthew 6:33). Amen