This image is created in memory of a blues legend Arthur"Big Boy" Crudup my namesake who is a distant relative to my father, Reading his bio it is incredible how three of his songs turn out as three of Elvis Pressley"s big hits.
Welcome to Mirhez Images. The name Mirhez is a combination of my parents first names, Mir is short for Miriam and Hez is short for Hezekiah. I do this in honor of them.This is a record of Limited edition prints/paintings that I started on December 21, 2008. Currently I will be posting about 3-4 Limited edition prints a week on this blog. If you'd like to have the daily prints/ paintings sent to your email every time a new one is posted enter your email address in the box above. If you would like to purchase a print click here
Born August 3, 1960 in Newark, New Jersey to Hezekiah and Miriam Crudup the 5th oldest of 10. As a child there was a great love to copy art from comic books and other materials. Over the years this developed a creative . that led Anthony to pursue drawing with great love and affection. After graduating from West Side High School in Newark, New Jersey he attended the University of Minnesota with a major in Journalism and Communications a minor in Fine Arts.. It was during this time he developed a great affection towards the creative and its effects on the soul.. during the late 8o's and early 90's he began to wane and his interest for art took a back seat to financial dysfunction and social and spiritual unrest. during this period Anthony surrendered to his Lord and King Jesus Christ and began the process of healing that allowed and presented him with the freedom to become more expressive,hence developing a style quite unique to him. Currently He is beginning to form into one of the most expressive and prolific artist of his time. It is with the assurance and the Love of Jesus that complels him to look forward to a future of creative and spiritual excellence that will become a blessing to his brothers and sisters in Christ and to the world.
Anthony and Emmanuel Crudup
Outside of my love for Jesus Christ my greatest inspiration is my son Emmanuel James Crudup.His passion for life inspires me to strive for greatness. Amen
Heart of the Fathers is a blog created by the Artist Anthony Crudup of Mirhez Images to encourage the hearts of Fathers into the lives of their children.(Malachi 4:6) As a father the relationship I had with the mother of my son discouraged me from encouraging the life of my son. It hindered me from receiving the power of God in my life. It robbed me from living responsibly concerning the life of my son. Today I'm encourage not by the relationship with his mother but by my relationship with God the Father through the Lord Jesus the Christ. It is in that relationship and authority that I choose to live in order for my seed to live and prosper.(Deuteronomy 30:19) Amen.
Daily we will entertain renderings of art created by the artist Anthony Crudup from Mirhez Images to encourage and present the positive and wonderful glory of being a father in the sight and glory of God. All of the images will be available for purchase through our ArtByUs portfolio.