Each day we are presented with the opportunity to perfom the script written by the Lord Jesus the Christ. Most of the time we reject the script because we interpret it in a manner that is not in line with the genre the script was written in. The script was written in love and the genre it is presented iin is the heart. Notice that those who performed the script satifactorily perfomed it from the heart and not with the eyes , ears and the dogmas of man. But with the grace, mercy , favor and love of God through the script writer the Lord Jesus the Christ . Even when we see Him perform the script on the cross we are blessed with a performance that will last for eternity. One that was designed by the creator of the universe to present to us an image of how valuable we are to Him. He encourages us with the masterful portrayal of love performed in between two actors who are masterful in there own right. The one performer fear presents to us his character in a manner that love can not recieve, unbelief. The other character faith performs wonderfully and produces a tremdous supporting role to love. In return love 's role produces a performance which will bless us for eternity. Visit the heart today so that you can visualize and witness this perfomance in all the area's of your life. Remember the character fear is always looking to out perfom love and faith. If that is presented shut it down and play it again. Unless it is performed the way it is written it will not live up to the creators satisfaction.