He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
I John 5:12,13
Here is the question. Can you loose your salvation?
First I like to say as a believer, you are assured that your eternal destiny is secure in Christ. (1 John 5:13). There is this notion channeling through the body of our Lord that believes that salvation can be lost. Some fear that there salvation is lost. Many of them carry on through life uncertain about there eternal status by virtue of some religious discourse that presents this mistruth. There are many reasons we can assume a lost of this gift but the number one reason is centered on sin. In violation to the word of God sin diffuses our assurance. How can this be?
In our choice to sin against God we feel a sense of estrangement. We feel that we have left the presence and as a result we don’t feel as close. It provides us with a feeling of unworthiness and rejection. As a result it presents the challenge with doubt concerning God’s love for us. It is disobedience and rebellion that send us catapulting into repeated sin. Those who are misinformed eventually come to the notion that they have lost there salvation. This is untrue.
Actually it is very selfish to think that we can override the sacrificial payment of our Lord Jesus the Christ with our actions! I don’t think so. There isn’t anything we can do to cancel the tremendous debt paid by our Lord at Calvary. (Hebrews 9:12)) This is not a license to sin. Rather it is the opportunity to motivate us to champion the virtue of the cross and become more Christ-like. His sacrifice provides us with the opportunity to love Him. It is His action on the tree that provides us the opportunity to be saved. (Galatians’ 3:13)
Our hardship occurs when we become more accustomed to sin instead of developing a relationship with Jesus the Christ. On many occasions sin provides us with a view of salvation based on feeling and emotion. Feelings and emotions change. My point is that salvation is not based on feeling and emotion: it is based of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus the Christ. You may feel indifferent because of sin, but once you have accepted Christ you can never lose your salvation. (John 10:27-30)
How then can we as believers be certain that we are saved without a shadow of a doubt?
As believers we must rely on the promises of God. From the beginning of the Word and throughout God assures us as to what the result is when we believe His word. It presents us with the certainty that when we hear His Word and believe on His sacrifice of His only begotten and confess our sin salvation is the gift afforded to us. (John 3:16; John 4:24; John 6:37) No one can separate us or snatch us from it. (John 10:28) (Romans 8:33-35)Another point that secures this is centered on God’s unconditional love for us. Who can charge us otherwise (Romans 8:33, 39)
The finished work of Jesus on the cross solidifies our salvation. Hebrews 7:25 vows that Jesus “is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him. Our Lord’s sacrifice wasn’t intended upon being a quick fix. It is the eternal answer to the fallen state of man away from God.
Through the Holy Spirit we are assured our salvation through the witness in our hearts. Remember the heart is the instrument and vessel used to play out the virtue of the cross. As a result it is the Holy Spirit that replenshises the truth of Calvary with your soul. Nothing else. .
Many of us who believe have experience this doubt at one time or another. Fear is not the arbiters of our eternal destiny. Any question about our salvation must be examined in our hearts and reassured through prayer, fasting and consecration. Ask God to shed a light on the challenges that present this untruth and eradicate it from your soul. If there is still uncertainty revisit Romans Chapter 10 starting in verse 8 and repave that uncertain road unto the pathway to eternity with God. Remember salvation is eternal. Amen.
I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.
Isaiah 61:10
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