As we continue in the series of Emancipation there are some interesting events occuring that sets the point of discussion on adversity and force.
During the latter part of last week and the beginning of this week we witnessed the election in Iran and its results has been visualized with pure emotion. We see a nation that is torn apart by the election of a President whose ideals hinder the progressive nature of the youth and growth in that country. A nation torn between the Religious and secular views on how to govern. With such adversity how do they find a peaceful result?
Lets define adversity. Adversity is defined as , adverse fortune of fate: a condition marked by misfortune, calamity , or distress: One of the forces which precipitates this adverse stance toward the government of Iran is related to the misfortune of the people to freely choose a government that is representive of the people by the people.
Because of the nature of it system of govenment there will always be challenges concerning it's people. It's hierarchy beginning with the Ayatollah Khamenei is representive of religious control and force. The President and the other officals are merely put in place to administer the ideology and the religious contol of the Ayatollah's.
It is here at this day, hour, and time that the substance for peace in Iran and the region stems from the dialogue, dipolomacy and its willingness to do so concerning the parties. The basis of this premise doesn't rest itself on the adverse nature of either side, but the willingness to find peace in tolerating each others ideas and beliefs.
Freedoms are found when we confront the adverse nature of what holds us captive. Finding the truth in its meaning sets in place the assurance of peace , not control. The ideals, fundamental beliefs, and religious dogmas ingrained in the culture of its leaders will never amount to peace.
What we are seeing in Iran is a subculture of moderates who are beginning to embrace the idea of change. As humans whenever we encounter change there is always an adverse affect founded in the fear of that change. The fundamentals of there religious idealogy breeds opression , slavery and hatred. Peace is only founded in the supernatural freedom afforded in the rest of a loving ,God who is the final judge and executioner of the sin nature of man.
When the leaders and the governing officials of the Republic of Iran imbrace the idealogy of a loving and merciful God who embraces the peace and rights of every human being, then and only then will they receive the power to overcome the adversity that continues to hold there nation prisoner. Freedom is the result of tolerating and embracing the diversity of opinion , culture, and ideals of its people. It is in that result the nation will find prosperity.
Adversity and force are necessary for us to confront and embrace change. Without it there would be no impetus to change. Without change man can and will not realize his humanity and the wonderful creativity afforded to us as we line up with the image of our creator.Lets not get it twisted. The Republic of the United States was forged through the adversity of allowing religious freedoom and tolerance. It's freedoms and it's prosperity are birthed in a system of government that strives for freedoom and justice for all.
During the latter part of last week and the beginning of this week we witnessed the election in Iran and its results has been visualized with pure emotion. We see a nation that is torn apart by the election of a President whose ideals hinder the progressive nature of the youth and growth in that country. A nation torn between the Religious and secular views on how to govern. With such adversity how do they find a peaceful result?
Lets define adversity. Adversity is defined as , adverse fortune of fate: a condition marked by misfortune, calamity , or distress: One of the forces which precipitates this adverse stance toward the government of Iran is related to the misfortune of the people to freely choose a government that is representive of the people by the people.
Because of the nature of it system of govenment there will always be challenges concerning it's people. It's hierarchy beginning with the Ayatollah Khamenei is representive of religious control and force. The President and the other officals are merely put in place to administer the ideology and the religious contol of the Ayatollah's.
It is here at this day, hour, and time that the substance for peace in Iran and the region stems from the dialogue, dipolomacy and its willingness to do so concerning the parties. The basis of this premise doesn't rest itself on the adverse nature of either side, but the willingness to find peace in tolerating each others ideas and beliefs.
Freedoms are found when we confront the adverse nature of what holds us captive. Finding the truth in its meaning sets in place the assurance of peace , not control. The ideals, fundamental beliefs, and religious dogmas ingrained in the culture of its leaders will never amount to peace.
What we are seeing in Iran is a subculture of moderates who are beginning to embrace the idea of change. As humans whenever we encounter change there is always an adverse affect founded in the fear of that change. The fundamentals of there religious idealogy breeds opression , slavery and hatred. Peace is only founded in the supernatural freedom afforded in the rest of a loving ,God who is the final judge and executioner of the sin nature of man.
When the leaders and the governing officials of the Republic of Iran imbrace the idealogy of a loving and merciful God who embraces the peace and rights of every human being, then and only then will they receive the power to overcome the adversity that continues to hold there nation prisoner. Freedom is the result of tolerating and embracing the diversity of opinion , culture, and ideals of its people. It is in that result the nation will find prosperity.
Adversity and force are necessary for us to confront and embrace change. Without it there would be no impetus to change. Without change man can and will not realize his humanity and the wonderful creativity afforded to us as we line up with the image of our creator.Lets not get it twisted. The Republic of the United States was forged through the adversity of allowing religious freedoom and tolerance. It's freedoms and it's prosperity are birthed in a system of government that strives for freedoom and justice for all.
The image accompanying this article Liberte is birthed out of the emotional and fatal conviction embraced by the religious leaders in the Republic of Iran. The pain and struggle is symbolic of the death caused by religion. Liberty can only be achieved when the leaders embrace the truth of God's intentions concerning His creation. The scripture in Isiah 61:1 gives us an illustration of His intentions as it relates to the man through His son Jesus Christ. It says; " The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;"
"Liberte" is available for purchase at my Imagekind portfolio
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