Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust
of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man
became a living being.
2 Genesis 7
In this passage of scripture which is the foundation of the major
faiths in the world suggest that the breath of life which we all have is
presented and produced by God. As men we are granted with the purpose and power
to protect, guard and take dominion over everything that God has created. (Genesis
1:27). There was no instruction to destroy what He created which includes other
All of us who are blessed
with darker colored skin who are decedents of Africa have meaning to. In other words BLACK LIVES MATTER.
The images in the world
over the last four hundred years seem to indicate that men of African
descent are animals who are not worthy of God's original intentions for man ;
to have dominion over His creation and to be fruitful and multiply. Over the
past four centuries the intentions of the Europeans who have inhabited the
Americas is to take away and tramp on all of the God given rights to all of the
decedents of Africa who were brought to become there servants and
property. The very nature of their actions is still with us and present today.
The evil of the European descendants to African men and women is deeply
inherited in their souls here in America. May God have mercy on their souls.