An interesting statement from the last testimony of the prophets in the Old Testament. It actually is the last statment of the Old testament according to most of the versions of the Bible. I created this image as a reminder to me and many men that the creation model for our children and ourselves rest in this last statement from the old testament. Myself in particular is feeling the power of this statement , not in the glory of God but in the strength of this fallen world (my flesh). My son has been estranged from me by his mother over the past few months and as a result I feel the power of this statement. In lies the curse. As my heart is driven towards him I am quite sure he seeks to hear my voice at any moments notice. The nature of the curse lies in the uncompromising nature of myself and his mother to resolve our differences that brings us to this place. Although there is a action taken by the courts both sides have been in contempt in dealing with the details spelled out in regards to my relationship with him.
Today my prayer for myself and other fathers is that we line up with glory of God concerning our children. No court, doctor ,psychologist , job, friend, family,woman or mother can
reign over the creation mandate concerning our children. Until we realize the power the last statement of the Old Testament book of Malachi we will always live out the curse. Amen